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ACH_8842-2dbc4aeb Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Comunidad Inteciana conmemora 41 aniversario con tradicional desayuno institucional


Publication date:

09 October 2013

Intecian Community commemorates 41 anniversary with traditional institutional breakfast

SANTO DOMINGO. Authorities, collaborators, students and founding members of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) met on Wednesday to celebrate the traditional Institutional Breakfast with which the academy began the commemorative activities of the forty-first anniversary of its foundation.

The meeting was headed by the rector of INTEC, Rolando M. Guzmán, and by Mercedes Hernández and Mary Fernández, members of the Board of Regents, and was attended by the Vice-Rector for Research and Liaison, Indhira De Jesús, and the Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance, Alfonso Casasnovas, as well as dozens of teachers and collaborators.

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The central words of the act were pronounced by the Rector, who stressed that the anniversary party finds INTEC in the middle of the process of launching its new Institutional Strategic Plan 2013-2017, which he described as "transformer and visionary" since reaffirms the vocation of the academy to a plural, creative and transparent community life committed to the sustainable development of society.

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Similarly, he highlighted the start of the implementation of a Master Plan for Infrastructure, which he said will involve a radical transformation of the campus over the next few years.

The event began with the raising of the National Flags and the Institutional flag, in charge of four employees chosen for their responsibility, proactivity and trajectory of delivery to the university, and as an incentive to follow the example of service work.

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The following were selected: Félix Emilio Lara Ángeles, full-time professor of the Area of ​​Basic and Environmental Sciences (collaborator with more time in the institution) and Vesselina Radeva Ivanova, full-time professor of the Engineering Area (Abeja de Oro in Proactividad-colaboradora awarded in 2013).

Also, José Antinoe Fiallo Billini, full-time professor of the Area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities, (teacher awarded in 2013 for his high evaluations) and América Daihana Antigua Rosario, in charge of Training and Development of the Human Resources management (collaborator with less time in the institution).

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As a symbolic act, the rector of INTEC and the former rectors Altagracia López and Miguel Escala released 41 red balloons, one for each year of INTEC's history and, next, they were invited to the colorful "Bosquecito" on the academic campus , where they tasted the traditional breakfast buffet and toasted the achievements of the past year. At the same time, the students shared the traditional anniversary cupcakes.

ACH_8925 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Inteciana Community commemorates 41 anniversary with traditional institutional breakfast