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INTEC-CEG-e067ab5c Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - CEG-INTEC certifica 26 maestras en erradicación de la violencia y abuso infantil


Publication date:

May 08 2018

CEG-INTEC certifies 26 teachers in eradication of violence and child abuse

SANTO DOMINGO. - The Center for Gender Studies of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (CEG-INTEC) trained in eradication for the violence against women and child abuse from the related to school a 26 teachers of the primary and secondary levels, belonging to the 10 regional, Distrito 01, the Santo Domingo Norte municipality and the management team of the María Trinidad Sánchez School.

 The training, developed between the months of March and April, took as a reference other experiences of violence prevention at the educational level, fostering dynamics for the integration of teachers and students, as protagonists of the school, so that they can be active entities in prevention and identification of violence.

The initiative is part of the project "Contribute to eradicate violence in the Dominican Republic through prevention and awareness of violence against women and child abuse in schools, for early detection of high-risk cases" and following up on the work strategy in "Local Networks for a life without violence", driven by the CEG-INTEC in coordination with the Ministry of women, with the support of Philip Morris Dominicana (PMD), with the purpose of improving capacities of state institutions and civil society organizations at the local level, to articulate a comprehensive response for prevention and atención to violence against of, child abuse and clearance for the aggressor masculinity.

This project in 2018 contemplates carrying out actions to sensitize and train girls and boys, teachers, and build a permanent team to prevent and identify violence in the educational community. Its starting point is the recognition of the seriousness of the problem of violence against women and child abuse in the Dominican Republic, where despite the existence of a legal framework that seeks to protect the rights of women, children and adolescents, manifestations of violence and abuse are still increasing and worsening.

The teacher of the course was Luciano Sánchez, creator and researcher of theater, philosophy and education for equality. She is a philosopher with a master's degree in Scientific Research Methodology from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), currently opting for a master's degree in Dramaturgy from the National University of the Arts of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The certificate delivery ceremony was in charge of Mariela Jáquez Arias, Head of Training at CEG-INTEC, and Albania Genao, Responsible for Accompaniment to Local Networks for a Life without Violence. It was attended by the institutional authorities responsible for the protection of the rights of women and children, among them Rosa Iris Sala, director of the María Trinidad Sánchez school; José Manuel López Sánchez, director of the educational district 10-01; Natividad López, in charge of violence prevention at the Ministry of Women; Jessica Lebrón, in charge of the Santo Domingo Norte municipal office, of the Ministry of Women; Eufemia Fany, coordinator of the Local Board of Protection and Restitution of the Rights of NNA of Villa Mella and Josefina Martínez; gender manager of the SDN town hall.

 Yoseny Estrella, the school's teacher coordinator, gave words of thanks on behalf of the participating group and described their experience as positive and enriching.