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CEG INTEC trains 45 professionals from the National Gender Health Service
SANTO DOMINGO- The Center for Gender Studies of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (CEG - INTEC), under the auspices of the Ministry of Public Health and the coordination of the Department of Gender Equality, certified 41 professionals from the National Health Service in the Gender course within the framework of diversity and human rights.
The Center, which belongs to the Area of Social Sciences and Humanities, delivered the program with the aim of contributing to the strengthening of conceptual, methodological and analytical capacities on perspective and mainstreaming of the gender approach in the work of public sector actors.
The diploma promotes the development of egalitarian and non-discriminatory practices in the country, which guarantee citizens' access and care to health under equal conditions, in accordance with the strategic objectives adopted by the Ministry of Public Health in 2016.
Desiree Del Rosario Sosa, coordinator of the CEG INTEC, valued the participation of the students in the training and addressed health as a social human right that focuses on people. “This document that you receive is not an award, it is a reminder that we are depositaries of a commitment to equality and the right to health,” she said.
During the closing ceremony, the PhD in Social Psychology Julio Leonardo Valeirón, Psychosocial Care Center Coordinator y professor of the Area of Social Sciences and Humanities, gave a master lecture on "Personal commitment in public functions for equality", in which he recalled the importance of assuming public service as an attitude of life.
“This is the public function: a service to the citizenry that does not put gender conditions first, nor age, much less skin color to provide those who go to the service that we are obliged to provide, and that we should to assume more than as an obligation, as an attitude towards life”, he said.
After having worked in the public sector for more than 10 years, he recalled that the work of the public sector "is a service that, for ethical reasons, we must provide with the highest possible quality." Valeirón highlighted the role that the Public Health service professional must assume, among them "the duty to offer a quality service", without neglecting his humanity.
"Let's never forget that we are human beings relating to other human beings," said Valeirón.
Indiana Barinas, Head of the Department of Gender Equality of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance, thanked the participants for assuming the effort involved in sharing the work together with training processes. “You are agents of change, we want to see that in the programs, in the health services and in the whole environment around you,” she said.
Yuliana Vargas Amparo, Region 3 Health Gender Coordinator, was also present at the event, who shared a few words on behalf of her graduate classmates.
"Today we graduate with more objectivity in the issues of equality and equity in the Health system, as well as the defense of the guarantee of human rights to the users of the services," he said. She added that, as students, they took "invaluable learning, as a result of the detailed analyzes and socializations of the group with the gender perspective that challenges us as professionals and health service providers to impact our work environment with forceful actions, to transform care in the health system.
El Center for Gender Studies of INTEC it focuses on teaching, research and university extension activities. As a higher education body, it is responsible for three third-level training programs that offer specialized training in gender and development, a comprehensive approach to violence, and education for Equality.
It began its work in January 1987 as the Women's Studies Program of the Social Research Team, EQUISINTEC. Since then, it has been developed in response to the need in the country for academic spaces for the production of knowledge, reflection and theoretical dissemination on social issues from a gender perspective.