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0058_Conjuros%20y%20Microcuentos-1e226b33 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Carlos Enrique Cabrera presents work "Spells and other micro-discounts"


Publication date:

05 September 2013

Carlos Enrique Cabrera presents work "Conjuros y otros microcuentos"

SANTO DOMINGO. The Editorial Fund of Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) circulated the book "Spells and other micro-discounts", authored by the philologist, writer and university professor Carlos Enrique Cabrera.

The work is a collection of 55 micro-stories, among which stand out "Rider", "Lost Years", "The Heart" "The Lover", among others, and was presented during a ceremony at the auditorium Osvaldo García de la Fuente del INTEC, where academic and administrative authorities, professors, students and special guests met.

The book was presented by the linguist, researcher and writer Manuel Matos Moquete, in the company of Migdalia Martínez, dean of the Social Sciences and Humanities Area and the professor and writer Manuel Matos Diedoné.

The INTEC Publishing Fund has a line of publications that contribute to knowledge, culture and teaching from the different Academic Areas of the University. In this case, the book "Spells and other micro-stories" is a contribution to the literary bibliography.


0085_Spells_and_Microstories Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Carlos Enrique Cabrera presents work "Spells and other micro-discounts"
About the Author

He was born in La Vega, Dominican Republic. Study of Hispanic philology at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. In 2001 he created the cultural magazine Caudal, which under his direction gave 29 numbers.

He has published stories and essays in different media and the books "Reflexiones de bolsillo" (2002) and "Difficult times: social, cultural and philosophical essays" (2010), as well as the didactic work of the language "Universidad Español" (2006) ) and the tourist information "Ciudad Colonial de Santo Domingo (2012).

It maintains several blogs: "Spells" in the Community of the Madrid newspaper El País and in Blogger the staff Carlos Enrique Cabrera (CEC), the promotional magazine Caudal and the educational: Spanish CEC. Currently, he is a full-time professor in the Social Sciences and Humanities Department at INTEC.