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Sciences%20Environmental-571bbc4b Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Second call for doctorate in Environmental Sciences opened


Publication date:

August 21 2019

Second call for doctorate in Environmental Sciences opened

SANTO DOMINGO. –Republic Republic faces increasing challenges on issues environmental, which turns into a priority la staff training qualified, committed and capable of generate knowledge own as well as of run investigations to offer solutions to the problems of Dominican society.

Attending to it, the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) opened the Second call for PhD in Environmental Sciences, Which is aimed at generating research of impact, to achieve the transition to a sustainable environment.

The new applicants of the second round of the doctorate they have until the October 5 for application for admission and admission, to start teaching el first of November of 2019. 

Dr. Ulises Jáuregui, program coordinator, explained that research themes are framed in the environmental management and impact assessment, environmental engineering, species conservation and the biodiversity, environmental economics, sustainable development and social welfare and global changes and climatic

The program aims to train researchers, cadres, leaders and managers of scientific processes and technological innovation, with the capacity to direct processes in the field of environmental sciences and contribute to the sustainable development of the country. In addition, contribute to the investigation of Dominican environmental problems and the formulation of environmental policies.

El doctorate it lasts between three and five years, divided into two periods; one of blended teaching, in which knowledge about advanced methodologies, techniques and tools will be imparted, and a second, corresponding to the doctoral research, in which the applicant makes scientific publications and develops a research project in the company of a principal advisor and a thesis committee.

Graduates they will have the competencies to fulfill functions of scientific leadership, scientific research, and development and innovation processes. In addition, they will have the capabilities to lead groups y research projects in its corresponding field of action and influence.

Jauregui said that the nine participants of the first doctoral round are from various local institutions and environmental officials, economists and lawyers, who develop research topics on solutions to environmental pollution caused by transport and heavy metals, the integral design of a management system to mitigate the effects of sargassum, the implications of compliance with environmental regulations, among others.

The doctorate in Environmental science of INTEC, together with the doctoral program in Energy Management for Sustainable Development, make up the offer of first national doctorates in science taught in the country.