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418-39fad500 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Anuncian fecha límite para aplicar al programa de becas PIES


Publication date:

February 25 2012

Announce deadline to apply for the PIES scholarship program

Santo Domingo. El Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) informs that its INTEC Program with Outstanding Students (PIES), is open to admissions until Wednesday 14 of March of this year. To apply, those interested must complete the online admissions form, through and select the option “Feet Scholarships” under “Type of admission”.

For 25 consecutive years, the PIES has awarded scholarships to the best high school graduates in the country, through a rigorous process that identifies and selects outstanding young people from public and private educational centers throughout the national territory, in order to provide them with the opportunity to acquire high quality professional training and high social commitment.

One of the main requirements to apply to the program is to have completed at least three of the four years of the intermediate level, including the last one, in the Dominican Republic and have a minimum index of eighty (80) points in each of the subjects studied. .

Since 1987, INTEC has been continuously supporting talented young people through this program, a pioneering initiative in the country to support education as the foundation of the economic, social and cultural development of Dominican society.

The young people selected receive the opportunity to continue their studies at the INTEC through grants awarded by companies, public and private institutions, as well as by people determined to support quality Dominican education.

8 of each 10 young PIE graduates with the highest academic honors.

As part of this initiative, students can also establish a company-university linking mechanism that will allow them to align the training of human resources with the needs and requirements of the productive sectors of the country.

For more information, contact the National Scholarships and Credits Unit of the institution: 809.567.9271 ext. 268.