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DSC_2111-c0db8547 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Analizan propuestas de desarrollo profesional docente


Publication date:

March 23 2016

Analyze proposals for professional teacher development

With the participation of national and international experts was held the International Reflection Table "Teacher Professional Development and School Improvement", an inter-university cooperation initiative aimed at the analysis of good practices on teacher training and its impact on learning.

The activity, which was held in the Julio Ravelo de la Fuente Hall Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), also aimed to generate synergies and strategic articulations aimed at developing new perspectives and proposals for action to ensure that teacher training becomes increasingly a factor in effective improvement of the quality of education in the Dominican Republic.

The event was addressed to the coordinating team that promotes the School-Based Continuing Education Strategy (EFCCE) from the Center for Educational Studies (CEED | INTEC) and had the auspices of the National Institute for Training and Training of Teachers (INAFOCAM) . The initiative was supported by the Center for Innovation in Higher Education (CINNES), INTEC and the IDEA Group of the University of Seville, within the framework of the PROIECTA Consortium. 

DSC_2087 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Analyze proposals for teacher professional development

Speakers included Carlos Marcelo, Paulino Murillo (Spain), Denise Vaillant (Uruguay), Inés Aguerrondo (Argentina), José Maldonado (United States), Lily Orland-Barak (Israel), Wanda Rodríguez Arocho (Puerto Rico) and Geynmi Pichardo, on behalf of the Dominican Republic.

Some of the topics addressed during the Reflection Roundtable were "Teacher Professional Development and School Improvement within the Framework of the School-Centered Continuing Education Strategy" and "Strategies for School Improvement".

Also "Pedagogical Accompaniment as formative mediation in context", "Learning and Curricular Design by competences" and "Alternatives for the effective implementation of the Strategy of Continuous Training Centered in the School".

The results of the deliberations developed in the Mesa generated valuable inputs for the design of strategies aimed at improving the professional development of teachers and the integral improvement of educational centers.