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Positive masculinity is analyzed in the podcast “With Fathers” broadcast from INTEC
As part of the campaign “Pin-Pun: Igualando la Colmena”, Nelson Guerrero and Enrique Quailey, together with the Vice-Rector of Administration and Finance of INTEC, Alliet Ortega, spoke about equality, parenthood and even sexuality with those present at the Social Security Auditorium (OSES)
SANTO DOMINGO. – Within the campaign “Pin-Pun: Igualando la Colmena”, coordinated by the Vice-Rectorate of Administration and Finance as part of the Iguala RD Gender Seal, the podcast “Con Padres” was invited to the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) to talk about positive masculinity.
Nelson Guerrero and Enrique Quailey, the podcast's hosts, shared the hosting role with Alliet Ortega, Vice-Rector of Administration and Finance at INTEC, and had as a guest Wellignton Arnaud, director of the National Institute of Drinking Water (INAPA), and together they talked about gender equality, equity and parenthood.
Ortega celebrated with the collaborators, teaching staff and students present that INTEC received the Igualando RD Seal at the Gold Level, awarded by the Ministry of Women and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), a certification that confirms that the university's policies, services and organizational culture incorporate the values of inclusion and equity.
With this certification, INTEC becomes the first educational institution in the Dominican Republic to receive the Seal, after a day of evaluation of its institutional management based on the indicators of Management and Organization, Reconciliation with co-responsibility between family, personal and work life, Recruitment and selection of personnel and Professional Development.
He also indicated that “Pin-Pun, Igualando La Colmena” is a campaign that the university has been implementing for two years, with the aim of promoting the concept of equality and equity among collaborators, teachers and students in a transversal way.
Ortega said that INTEC grants 15 days of paternity leave and encourages men to take on the role of caregiver, so that fathers are given permission to go to medical appointments with their sons and daughters.
During the conversation, Arnaud spoke about his role as a politician, public servant, husband and father of three. With 28 years of union, between dating and marriage with the Intecian Gabriela Rutinel, he had his first daughter at the age of 24, Gabriela Elizabeth, who is currently 24 years old and has already graduated with a degree in Corporate Communication; Lucio, 12 years old and Francesca, 10 years old.
“The greatest lesson you can teach your children is what they see, our behavior,” said Arnaud, who said he learned a lot about the actions of his father, the late politician Winston Arnaud.
As part of the podcast dynamic, the audience was also able to ask questions. Young men and women questioned how parents talk about sexuality issues with their sons and daughters, about greater participation of women in positions that were previously occupied by men, how to achieve equal roles between men and women, among other topics.
If you want to see the full episode you can access the URL: