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img_1197 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - 1,500 books do not weigh in a backpack


Publication date:

August 31 2012

1,500 books do not weigh in a backpack

Eva Estévez, Joel Villalona, ​​Angie Villanueva, Carlos Wázar and Denisse White load more than 1,500 books in their backpacks without much extra weight. They were the first, from a group of 80 students of the subject Communication in Spanish Language I, who received the first Kindles that the Emilio Rodríguez Demorizi Library has made available to INTEC students.

The INTEC Library goes beyond its walls and brings knowledge and culture closer to e-readers in more convenient, portable and quality formats.

Some 100 Kindles will be part of the regular services of the Library. At the moment the majority are in the hands of the students of Professor Manuel Matos Diedoné, as part of the Virtual Classroom Project, a pilot experience that this quarter develops the theme "The Senate in the Dominican Republic" with different readings, including Letters to Evelina ( Francisco Moscoso Puello) and Constant Death, Beyond Love (García Márquez).

The devices have books by classic authors, national and international, with a wide variety of topics: science, literature, philosophy and politics, organized by author and title.

They also have the Constitution of the Dominican Republic (in electronic and audio format), the National Development Strategy (NDT) and the law that formalizes it, the Ten-Year Plan for Higher Education and the latest report from the National Census of the National Office of Statistics (ONE).

With a library in your hands, any time and place are perfect for reading!

How to request the Kindles?

Kindle-intec1 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - 1,500 books do not weigh in a backpackThose interested can withdraw their devices in the Reference Room of the Library with your student card. The Kindles are lent for a week and in order request if not available at time of order. As soon as there are devices returned, the interested parties on the list are contacted.

Whoever has one of the following devices: Kindles, Nook, Ipad, Google Nexus, Kyros, Microsoft Surface, Samsung Galaxy, Archos, tablets, etc., should only take it to the Reference Room of the Library, where you can choose the -book of the available list and download them to your personal computer.

Then you do not have to return to "return" them because when the loan period is completed, they will automatically stop being available.