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Maha Mamo says statelessness makes people's lives a permanent challenge
The international speaker advocated that all the countries of the world create policies that legally favor migrants, refugees and stateless people, and lamented that there are currently about 10 million people in the world without nationality.
She wrote to the Lebanese authorities to grant her nationality because she was born in that territory and was denied it because she was the daughter of Syrian parents. In Syria they did not give him recognition either because the marriage of his parents was illegal under the laws of that country because they are a Muslim woman and a Christian man, and “unfortunately in Syria a mother or father cannot declare their children if they do not there is a legally constituted marriage ”, Mamo told the audience present and those who followed the conference through INTEC's YouTube channel.
About the Gender Studies Conference
“Since its birth, in 1972, almost like a daring, still an incipient institution, a newborn, INTEC established two centers to channel its contributions and ties with society, the Center for Educational Studies (CEDE) and the Center for Studies and Technical Assistance (CEAT). The Center for Gender Studies is part of that tradition and has gained a position of which we are proud, thanks to the dedication, commitment and combativeness of its leaders and members throughout its fruitful career, in defense and promotion of human and social rights in general and gender equality in particular ”, he said.
Melecia Almonte, Vice Minister of Intersectoral Coordination of the Ministry of Women, He said that, given the changes caused by COVID, it is becoming increasingly relevant to present initiatives aimed at migrants and refugees, to guarantee their rights.
According to data published by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), one in every 97 people in the world is affected by forced displacement. This represents one percent of humanity. The consequences of the humanitarian emergencies of our era are made even more serious by the fact that they coexist with a health emergency. When the world needs us to stay at home to control the spread of the new coronavirus, millions of families face situations of extreme vulnerability and have been forced to leave their homes.
While, Gabriel Gualano de GodoyUNHCR's chief of mission for the Dominican Republic, indicated that the United Nations works in a joint and complementary manner with the countries of the world, including the Dominican Republic, to promote the adoption of comprehensive protection and equitable development policies, without discrimination.
“If we work to leave no one behind, we have to ask ourselves who are the people who are being left the furthest behind. In many societies, women and girls face discrimination and violence every day, just because of their gender. During displacement, this problem increases. Women and girls represent around 50% of the refugee, internally displaced or stateless population ”.
An adequate response demands alliances to respond to the causes of displacement and undocumentation, as well as to reinforce the structural policies of equity, social protection and citizenship of these populations.
Recognition to Lourdes Contreras
El Center for Gender Studies designated the Dominican Conference on Gender Studies 2021 with the name of Lourdes Contreras in recognition of the work carried out by the teacher as coordinator of the Center for more than 20 years, for being a reference, and a person who has promoted the gender agenda in the country. "Her leadership constitutes an example of what a true Inteciana is, committed to a fair, diverse and egalitarian country," says the statement read by the dean of the Social Sciences and Humanities Area, Dalul Ordehi.
Contreras was the one who promoted, created and thought the Dominican Conference on Gender Studies as a space for dissemination and study in the field of gender.