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INTEC Library receives personal collection of Dr. Luis Brea-Franco, as desired
SANTO DOMINGO. - The Emilio Rodríguez Demorizi Library of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) will have available to all of society the personal collection of books and magazines of the renowned writer, columnist and cultural manager, Luis Brea-Franco, who died in 2020.
“I feel very honored because my brother Luis had always told me that he wanted his books to end here (at INTEC) because he had very important ties with this Institution. On behalf of my family, thank you very much for this welcome, "said Rosa Mariana Brea Franco, sister of the late doctor of philosophy and author, with broken words and as tears rolled down her cheeks.
El rector of INTEC, Julio Sanchez MarinezHe thanked Dr. Brea Franco and his relatives for thinking about the university to leave the legacy of his books. “The history of the philosophy and cultural management of the Dominican Republic cannot be written without mentioning Luis Brea Franco. This was not his alma mater, but if it was one of his academic houses and that he has thought about our Institution is something that we must eternally thank "Sánchez Maríñez pointed out, during an intimate meeting held in the Julio Ravelo room of the INTEC Library Fountain.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Culture, Milagros Germán, stated that “wherever Luis Brea-Franco is, he must be happy because he, as a good postmodern philosopher, reminds us with Nietzsche that absolute love is not based on attachment, but in altruism and this beautiful act confirms it ”.
Germán specified that in the Ministry of Culture Brea-Franco is remembered for the times that, with deep passion, he spoke of books as friends who never disappoint, sweet companions for those who suffer and who, like friends, do not need to have many , but very good.
At the activity, attended by members of the Brea Franco family, as well as media directors, writers and close friends of the deceased intellectual, a sample of the donation was presented, which is made up of a total of 3,060 titles; of these, 3,034 belong to books and 26 to magazines.
About Luis Brea-Franco
He was born in Santo Domingo in 1946. Doctor of Philosophy, essayist, writer, columnist and cultural manager. He was the founder of the Ministry of Culture, creator of the Dominican Cultural Center, editor and university professor at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo and the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University.
He was Secretary General of the Dominican National Commission for UNESCO (2017-2020); General Director (founder) of the National Office of Underwater Cultural Heritage (1999-2000); General Director of the Presidential Council of Culture (1997-1999), founding body of the Ministry of Culture, among other relevant positions.
As a professor he taught in philosophical subjects, education and social sciences for 30 years, dedicated to the training of teachers of the Official Teaching System. He published fourteen books on topics of Philosophy, Education, Didactics of Philosophy and Cultural Administration, some awarded as Pedro Henríquez Ureña National Essay Awards. He passed away on November 5, 2020, at the age of 74.
INTEC Library
The Emilio Rodríguez Demorizi Library is open to the public from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., it provides its services to both the INTEC academic community and external users. Currently, INTEC students, teachers and collaborators can access, from the Library portal www.biblioteca.intec.edu.do to a wide range of databases, including: JStore, EbscoHost, SciVal, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Science, among others, in addition to their face-to-face services.