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maestra-f632ccc7 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Maestría de INTEC recibe premio AUIP a la Calidad de Postgrado y Doctorado en Iberoamérica


Publication date:

January 23 2020

INTEC Master receives AUIP Award for Postgraduate and Doctorate Quality in Latin America

SANTO DOMINGO. -The master's degree en Sciences in Construction Administration of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) received the Postgraduate and Doctorate Quality Award in Latin America granted by the Iberoamerican University Postgraduate Association (AUIP), in its tenth edition.

In a communication, Incarnation Mellado Durán, Director General of the AUIP, indicated that the act of delivery will be held during the General Assembly of the Association, in Buenos Aires, argenitna.  

The awards are a recognition of the quality of the advanced training programs offered by the institutions associated with the AUIP system and are intended to strengthen the institutional efforts that are being made to improve the academic offer and in turn stimulate their qualitative improvement.

According to the institution's website, the Awards have been created with the purpose of promoting, in the institutions associated with the AUIP, the minimum quality requirements that ensure adequate level of competitiveness, publicly recognize the achievements of the programs, reward those institutions or programs that show interest in remaining active by applying a strategy of continuous improvement, facilitate the processes of self-evaluation and external evaluation and disseminate successful institutional strategies in pursuit of the quality of their advanced training programs.

About the Master of Science in Construction Management

La Master of Science in Construction Management, contributes to the development of the country by projecting innovative experiences, actions with future perspectives in the face of globalization and provides the most current knowledge in technical, administrative and management fields to engineering, architecture and related professional branches.

This master's degree aims to know the fundamentals of management and administration that allows the graduate to successfully manage a construction company and its projects and master the knowledge necessary to make economic decisions that allow evaluating and selecting between different options.