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Kalil-Erazo-oc-e67ce3db Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Profesor de INTEC desarrollará herramientas con Inteligencia Artificial para reducir impacto de fenómenos naturales en infraestructuras

Publication date:

January 31 2023

INTEC professor will develop tools with Artificial Intelligence to reduce the impact of natural phenomena on infrastructures

SANTO DOMINGO. Kalil Erazo, research professor of the Engineering Area of ​​the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), will develop tools based on Artificial Intelligence for reducir that Adverse effects of the natural phenomena about civil works as hospitals, housing, bridges, schools, among others, limiting the damage y improving resilience way of life.

El project which will be carried out with the support of National Fund for Innovation and Scientific and Technological Development (Fondocyt), of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, consists of the development of applications based on predictive models that allow incorporate measurements o data taken in real time and, through algorithms, predict damage.

Erazo said that one of the challenges who are faced with engineering is the need for improve resilience y The sustainability of the civil infrastructure to the threat of extreme natural events. Earthquakes, Hurricanes, storms e floods are some of the phenomena geological y climatic that recurrently cause considerable human and economic losses in the communities, limiting the development and sustainability objectives of the impacted countries.

“Despite recent theoretical and experimental developments, these models do not have the necessary precision to meet the stringent performance targets expected by modern societies, where tolerance for damage, as well as human and economic losses, have been drastically reduced over the years. last years. Modern societies expect that civil infrastructures can withstand extreme events with minimal (and in some cases no) interruption in their functions and services provided”, stated the research professor.

The investigation will last 18 months and a budget of about RD$5MM, and will focus on technical and practical aspects related to the AI implementation in the Insights of the performance of civil infrastructure.

Dr. Kalil Erazo is a research professor at INTEC and a professor at Rice University. His area of ​​research in structural engineering consists of the development of methods for structural monitoring and instrumentation as a tool to estimate damage to civil buildings subjected to extreme natural events. Erazo has published more than 30 articles in indexed scientific journals and conference books.