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ODSMIN-c220235c Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC presenta en la Semana de la Ciencia sus aportes al logro de los ODS en el país

Publication date:

06 November 2019

INTEC presents at the Science Week its contributions to the achievement of the SDGs in the country

SANTO DOMINGO (RD). - He Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) inaugurated this wednesday his second Science Week with the 20 exhibition research projects and exhortations to the country to accentuate the collaborative work for mitigate obstacles that postpone the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS).

In his opening speech of the event, the rector of INTEC, Rolando M. Guzmánhighlighted the university commitment as development agent not only in the human capital formationbut also as knowledge generator and spaces for reflection. He put, among other examples of contributions, the first doctorates of the country in environmental and energy sciences.

“I am aware that as a university and as a country we have many goals to achieve, but I assume, and at INTEC we assume, the challenge of moving forward, while enjoying the achievements that we are achieving along the way, and those achievements they will be evidenced in the presentations that we will have these days, ”said Guzmán.

The institution currently has 57 research projects assets, with a total financing of RD $ 224.3 million. Bill 80% of these resources comes from external sources and 20% It rests on internal financing and leverage.

The opening featured the keynote lecture "2030 Agenda in the Dominican Republic: progress and challenges to accelerate its achievement", in charge of Xavier Hernández, Deputy Resident Representative of United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

Hernandez said that one of the limitations to achieve the SDG goals is that economic growth is inconsistent with the reduction of inequalities and that the increase in production is associated with environmental deterioration and the effects of climate change. To move towards goals, UNDP proposed to work in three directions: productivity, inclusion and resilience.

On resilience to climate events, he stressed that “the vulnerable classes experience setbacks in their development when they face adverse shocks, which put them in risk of falling into poverty due to loss of livelihoods, welfare levels and achievements in development ”.

INTEC Research Director, Mayelyn Mateo, urged to form consensus for collective work in the face of social challenges, moral, environmental, geophysical and of all kinds that face the country and the world.

During this week, INTEC will host the international seminar "Territorial governance and open data, towards an intelligent and sustainable territory", organized in collaboration with Citizen Participation (PC) and sponsored by the Laboratory of Innovation and Territorial Intelligence, an initiative of INTEC together with BIDLAB, of the Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB).

In this seminar they will participate NASA exhibitors, Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD), City Council of the National District and UNDP, as well as academics from European, Latin American and North American institutions.

El program of conferences, seminars and panels for the INTEC 2019 Science Week has a special focus on the SDGs. The debates revolve around the Data management and innovative solutions for more efficient and sustainable cities, through strategic planning, the good governance of territories and social inclusion.

With the academic event, the university joins the International Week of Science and Peace, an annual event of the world of knowledge, established by UNESCO in 2001, to be held in November of each year, together with the declaration of the November 10 as “World Science Day for Peace and Development".

The second Science Week takes place from Wednesday 6 until Friday 8 in November, in the Osvaldo García de la Concha auditorium, on the INTEC campus.