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TallerPropiedadIntelectual-96f31b0a Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - DEI-INTEC imparte taller: “Propiedad Industrial al servicio de los proyectos de investigación”

Publication date:

09 October 2023

DEI-INTEC teaches workshop: “Industrial Property at the service of research projects”

SANTO DOMINGO. - The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Department, by virtue of supporting the strengthening of the INTEC research system, has deployed a series of training focused on researchers, facilitators y collaborators, in order to fulfill the active participation of the intellectual community binding to the research and intellectual property component.

To date, two editions of the practical workshop have been held, where the topics of copyright, industrial property and strategic use of patent information were collected.

The teacher in charge of the training was Alexeis Fernandez, the Engineering Area, who addressed topics such as intellectual property, Copyright y related rights; patents, industrial designs, brands y patent law flexibilities.

Fernández explained that the author's right is an immanent right that arises with the creation of a work and is independent of the ownership of the material support that contains it. “Copyright gives its owner the exclusive right to use the work.”

He pointed out that the economic right will be in force during the life of the author and 100 years after his death, and in the case of co-authorship, it will be counted from the death of the last co-author.

“Hence, the rights that make up copyright can be grouped into two broad categories: moral rights (paternity, integrity, disclosure...) and economic rights (reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation),” he stated.

Regarding patents, the teacher indicated that it is a right granted by the Dominican State, exclusively, to whoever develops a technical solution that satisfies the patentability requirements as they are a world novelty, that is, there is nothing equal or similar to the proposal. of solution is not evident from the knowledge already public for an expert in the field, inventive level and finally, that it has a demonstrated industrial application. In the case of patents, the exclusive right is for a limited period of up to 20 years.

When explaining the concept of industrial designs, he indicated that they are industrial property titles that protect aesthetic creations that add value to specific products. “In general terms, industrial design is understood to be the ornamental and aesthetic aspect of useful articles. What protects, for example, in a fabric is the arrangement of the lines and colors in the print, not the object on which it is applied. For example, if this fabric is placed on a mattress, the protection does not include the mattress,” he pointed out.

The difference between design and industrial drawing is that the latter is two-dimensional while the designs are three-dimensional. The granting of an Industrial Design registration grants the holder protection for five years, extendable or extended for two additional periods of five years each, upon payment of the established extension fee.

During the month of October and November, the workshop will be held Application of Intellectual Property in Creative Industries and advanced workshop on patent drafting, in which participants will be able to learn the notions of drafting patent applications and inserting searches into patent information during the execution of R&D&I Projects

If you want to be part of the next workshops, send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 809 567-9271 Ext. 659/479.