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INTEC-1-32f6f77f Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC terminará actual trimestre en modalidad virtual

Publication date:

January 04 2022

INTEC will end the current quarter in virtual mode

The university reported that the measure aims to prevent infections in the academic community and in the population, given the considerable increase in positive cases nationwide

SANTO DOMINGO. The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) announced that will return to the modality of 100% virtual teaching for rest November XNUMXth January, including labs, traineeshipsAs well as presentations, pruebas y final exams.

Through a statement, the university reported that the the decision aims prevent contagion members of the academic community and the national population, given the considerable increase in positive cases for COVID-19 in the country.

During the remaining weeks of the current academic quarter November 2021-January 2022, only will keep in person the essential services of support to the teaching work, since the return to virtuality of the administrative tasks.

The statement specifies that the next quarter February-April 2022, scheduled to start on the 1st. February, INTEC will resume face-to-face teaching. He warned students, professors and collaborators that, by that date, it will be mandatory to have completed a vaccination schedule with three doses applied to enter the campus.

The university began a plan for a progressive return to face-to-face attendance in August 2021, with a percentage of face-to-face classes greater than 70%, including all new-entry subjects, laboratories and field practices. The return was accompanied by an aggressive awareness campaign and the implementation of a rigorous preventive protocol.