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El Popular promotes the creative industries with the book “Dominicana Creative. Talent in the orange economy "
SANTO DOMINGO. - The Banco Popular Dominicano launched the institutional book “Dominicana Creative. Talent in the orange economy ", with the purpose of exposing and strengthening the cultural and creative industries, which generate added value to the national economy.
This new publication has more than a dozen prominent experts in different areas of the orange economy and is accompanied by the design and a large part of the photographs by Víctor Siladi.
Throughout its pages, Manuel García Arévalo, María Amalia León, Felipe Pagés, Carla Quiñones Polanco, Albert Martínez Martín, Dominique Bluhdorn and Stephen Kaplan, Juan Mubarak, Ignacio Nova, Edilenia Tactuk, José Armando Tavárez and María Marte narrate Through their experience and vision of the future the opportunities of their respective creative industries.
The editorial project is accompanied by the website www.economia Naranja.com.do, created in alliance between the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Mipymes (MICM) and the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), in which inspiring stories of entrepreneurs, debate programs, valuable tools, educational content and relevant information are collected that demonstrate the importance of developing the creativity industries in our country.
Why the orange economy?
The orange economy or economy of creativity integrates the set of activities that, in a chained way, allow ideas and creativity to be transformed into goods and services, whose value is determined by their intellectual property content.
According to the United Nations, the economy of creativity is an engine that will represent 7% of the world's Gross Domestic Product in less than a decade, employing 30 million people.
Within the creative economy coexist the management of the cultural industry, functional creative industries such as fashion, architecture, gastronomy, graphic, interior and industrial design; also advertising and the audiovisual business, crafts and technology creation, among other items.
Inter-institutional cooperation for sustainable development
The launch of the publication was led by the executive president of Banco Popular, Mr. Christopher Paniagua; the rector of INTEC, Mr. Julio Sánchez Maríñez; the Minister of Industry, Commerce and Mipymes, Mr. Víctor Bisonó; and Mr. Manuel García Arévalo, representing the authors of the book.
It was also attended by the Minister of Culture, Mrs. Milagros Germán, and the Vice Chancellor of INTEC, Mr. Arturo del Villar.
In his words, Mr. Paniagua highlighted that “with this new book and the multimedia platform that complements it, we are going to promote a greater projection of Dominican creators in the country and beyond our borders, thereby contributing to the sustained development of our nation. . "
For his part, Minister Bisonó stressed that "if we join forces and work with a common agenda, the orange economy will continue to give us great joys, enormous benefits and the opportunity for a better quality of life for more Dominicans."
Meanwhile, Mr. Sánchez Maríñez emphasized the importance of the agreement signed between the three institutions: “This is a so-called triple helix agreement, something firmly established in the literature on innovation, because it includes cooperation and synergy between the public sector, sector private and academy. "
On behalf of the authors of the book, Mr. García Arévalo thanked Popular for "the timely and visionary sponsorship" of this pioneering publishing project. "It is the first time that we have access to a wide repertoire of data and testimonies that show the dimension reached by the orange economy in the national task," he said.
Panels with protagonists of the cultural and creative industries
The event included two important panels. The first, between Messrs. Víctor Bisonó, Milagros German, Arturo del Villar and José Mármol, Executive Vice President of Corporate Communications, Reputation and Responsible Banking of the Popular Group. It discussed the public vision to promote orange industries, the role of academia and the importance of public-private partnerships.
The second panel explored the keys of the different cultural and creative industries to impact the sustained and inclusive development of the country and the challenges of the future. It had the participation of five of the authors of the book: María Amalia León, president of the Eduardo León Jimenes Foundation and director of the León Center; Felipe Pagés, president of Pagés BBDO; Carla Quiñones Polanco, CEO of Jenny Polanco; Albert Martínez Martín, COO of Lantica Media and Pinewood Dominican Republic Studios; and Edilenia Tactuk, president of TIC Productions, moderated by Mr. Esteban Martínez-Murga, vice president of the Popular Corporate Communication and Reputation Area.