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Communication%20Digital-9dcc81ce Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC Social Sciences and Humanities Area presents a new postgraduate offer

Publication date:

01 2021 June

INTEC's Social Sciences and Humanities Area presents a new postgraduate offer

SANTO DOMINGO. - The Area of ​​Social Sciences and Humanities of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) included in its academic offer the level of postgraduate three programs innovative academics in the Dominican Republic such as master's degrees in Digital Communication Sciences; In Film script and in Research Methodology in Social Sciences.

The programs, which will begin in August of this year in a blended mode, are a response to the needs in the training field of education and communication.

“The new postgraduate offer is a necessary response to the development and requirements of the last decades. The field of communication and education are transversal axes for both local and regional development, and that is why our programs in the different fields: education, communication and cinema, respond to this need for professional development in multiple disciplines. ”, Highlighted Dalul Ordehi, Dean of the Social Sciences and Humanities Area.

Likewise, Irene Machado, coordinator of the postgraduate level of the Social Sciences and Humanities Area, said that these novel and innovative programs become exclusive offers at the national and international level. "They are oriented towards scientific research, training professionals with the necessary skills for their best performance, transforming and qualified to provide contextualized solutions to problems of an increasingly complex social reality."

About the programs

The mastery in Digital Communication Sciences seeks to develop skills to investigate, contrast and transmit information in a timely and pertinent manner, as well as the editing and management of online content, generating credibility in citizens who are active participants in the generation and dissemination of content through the different platforms communicational.

In addition, it will provide the tools for the search, production, management, research and dissemination of media content.

Meanwhile, the master's degree in Research Methodology in Social Sciences It will train researchers with the necessary knowledge to consistently use the different theoretical approaches, methodological and analytical tools typical of the social sciences, which allow it to make significant contributions to the knowledge of Dominican society.

The program includes three concentrations: Contexts, diversities and social cohesion; Public policies and social participation, and Education, Innovation and technologies.

La Master in Cinematographic Script It will be taught 100% virtual and will offer relevant training and specialized training in the area of ​​conceptualization, creation, design and writing of film scripts, from the filmic idea, its investigation from the camera, to its foundation as a future film project for its realization .

This program is the only scriptwriter training program at the regional level, and will have international teachers. The master's degree has the philosophy of becoming a platform in screenwriting training.