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Doctorado-a1c78e32 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC y Politécnica de Puerto Rico impartirán doctorado en Ingenierías y Ciencias Aplicadas a Estructural, Geotecnia y Manufactura


Publication date:

15 October 2019

INTEC and Polytechnic of Puerto Rico will teach PhD in Engineering and Applied Science to Structural, Geotechnics and Manufacturing

SANTO DOMINGO. -With the objective of train professionals that contribute in the field of Engineering in the formulation, design and independent research development with a multidisciplinary approach, the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) and the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico (UPPR) of theThey will jointly distribute a PhD program in Engineering and Applied Sciences to Structural Engineering, Geotechnics and Manufacturing

The doctoral program will be presented on Thursday 13 February at 6: 00 in the afternoon in the Auditorium of the Social Security Observatory (OSES), located on the first level of the Health Sciences building, Ana Mercedes Henríquez (AH). 

In the activity the doctor Miriam Pabón, Dean of the Graduate School of the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, will deliver the conference “Challenges of engineering research ”.

The graduated professionals of the PhD in Engineering and Applied Sciences promote linkage with manufacturing, services, government or education sectors, through the development of initiatives that promote technological advancement.

According to the agreement between both institutions, INTEC will execute the program in rounds that will have a duration of 11 trimesters, and for each subject the format will be two weeks to the face-to-face quarter and in online format the remaining ten weeks of the academic quarter.

“INTEC and UPPR agree that the subjects contained in the program will be taught by a team made up of high quality teachers from both countries,” the agreement states.

The curricula will be framed in the Manufacturing Engineering; Civil Engineering Structures, and Geotechnical Civil Engineering. The program will be taught by a team made up of teachers High quality of both countries.

For Applied Science areas, candidates can choose one of the following complementary areas of studies: Computer Science, Geotechnics, Business Administration and Structure.

Professionals who complete the Ph.D. degree in Engineering and Applied Sciences (Ph.D.) will contribute innovative knowledge in their research areas, achieve the discovery of new scientific perspectives and develop new technical and professional skills.

The Polytechnic of Puerto Rico understands that research, knowledge and academic work carried out by a PhD student, often lead to important changes in the various economic development sectors of a country.

New graduates can enter this doctoral program, because it does not require that their participants have a master's degree. For more information: