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Autoridades-del-INTEC-dan-apertura-a-INTECnologia-2022-13fc6a03 Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC inicia XI edición de su feria tecnológica INTECnología

Publication date:

April 13 2023

INTEC starts XI edition of its technology fair INTECnology

SANTO DOMINGO. - The Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) gave initiation to eleventh edition of your Technology Fair 2022 technology, which is carried out from 25 to 26 November 2022, with the presentation of dozens of technological projects result of the academic work of his students, graduates y teachers.

This technology and innovation meeting, with which the technological products resulting from academic work in research, applications, and innovations are shown, takes place at the university facilities.

With the slogan "Born to innovate", Intechnology 2022 began on Friday, November 25, 2022 at 9:00 in the morning, with an opening ceremony led by the rector of INTEC, Julio Sánchez Maríñez and the President of the Board of Regents, Franco Gómez.

When delivering the opening speech of the event, Sánchez Maríñez affirmed that INTEC is not just any university, but the Tecnológico de Santo Domingo. "A technological person is characterized, very markedly, by cultivating and celebrating creativity and ingenuity aimed at innovation," said the rector while urging those present to live and enjoy the INTECnology fair.

The projects

The_teachers_and_students_show_part_of_the_projects_they_have_carried outjpg Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - INTEC starts the XI edition of its technology fair INTECnology

In this edition of INTECnology, Industrial Design students present various projects, including a supermarket trolley for blind people, a water collector and purification lid, an interactive card game to improve reading and writing, and a child monitoring device in playgrounds. 

Natasha Hernaiz, Christopher Castillo and Guillermo Pezzotti, Electronic and Communications Engineering students, will present their project on music transmission through light and reception in multicolored LED columns.

Vantroi Morillo, a student of Electronic and Communications Engineering, manufactured a vehicle control by means of computer vision. On their side, Electrical Engineering students present the projects: charger for electric vehicles for one-person mobility manageable via the network, a transfer with energy and time measurement, a control of transformers via MQTT protocol (wireless Wi-Fi) and a systems project control: inverted pendulum and wind tunnel.


In this edition there are nine stands with permanent exhibitions that are located on the fifth floor of the Health Sciences Building; likewise, there are workshops, robotics competition, simulators, panels, among other activities.

In the permanent exhibitions, the Psychology major carries out a dynamic with an "Eye tracker" team, which is part of an ongoing investigation of that major.

There is also an exhibition of the Air INTEC mechanical fan, designed by a team of INTEC graduates, teachers and students, with the support of companies and institutions, to support the country in the fight against COVID-19.

The agenda for Friday the 25th included a simulation workshop for the placement of ships and containers in the terminal that will be given by Haina International Terminals (HIT); while the National Institute of Transit and Land Transportation presented a simulator Drunk and driving glasses, and the Medicine degree showed the operation of the Body Interact Virtual Patient platform.

The INTEC Film and Audiovisual Communication career developed the workshop "Cinema, vanguard of technological development" that had the conversations La Nave Post: "Digital Post Production in the cinema"; Estudio Quitasueño addressed the topic "Motion Capture for 3D Animation ” and Panamericana Films presented the theme “Technology applied to photography and camera.” Additionally, short films made by students of the career were screened.

This Friday the panel "Eaton: Technological innovation and digital transfer" was also held, in which Reynaldo Hernández, Xavier Pacheco and Alberto Gómez participated

For Saturday, November 26, Dr. Inna Samson will give the conference "Solar refrigeration by adsorption: Technology development and formation of a research group"; while the coordinator of the degree in Commercial Communication and Advertising, Christian Cohen will give a workshop on “Digital Animation. Demonstration of the processes, stages and techniques of digital animation”.

There will be a panel of technological ventures, a conference on the Apollo 27 program, with the winning team of the competition before NASA and the graduate Darian Rodríguez will present her project of a nurse follower robot.

Since its creation in 2005, INTECnología has served as a scenario for hundreds of students to present to society the technological equipment they have developed, testing the knowledge acquired in class with an orientation to improve the quality of life and meet specific needs of the Dominican population.

To know the details of the agenda, visit: