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XXI Edition A Day with an Author and his Work recognizes Roberto Cassa

A day with an author and their work
Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo INTEC

Rector's words
Dr. Rolando M. Guzmán

November 20th 2015


Dear teacher Roberto Cassa, his distinguished wife, daughters and related,
Distinguished members of the Academic Council of INTEC
Dear managers, professors, students, graduates and other members of the inteciana community
Dear professors and students from other institutions
Ladies and Gentlemen:


INTEC deeply appreciates the kindness of accompanying us this morning, when we will pay tribute to the life and work of an exemplary figure of Dominican society, Mr. Roberto Cassa. I hope that each moment of the program that we have prepared conveys the deep admiration and sincere appreciation that we all feel for our honoree, and that the celebration of their contributions will become a source of inspiration for each of us. In a few moments, different educational institutions will artistically recreate the trajectory of our winner, but I request your permission to share in a few brief lines my personal appreciation of his contribution.

The irruption of Roberto Cassa in the Dominican intellectual endeavor revealed from the first moment his own personality and endowed the country with a unique voice. In his work, our history ceased to be a pleasant sequence of stories to give way to a sometimes disturbing analysis in which the events are seen in the light of the social and economic circumstances in which they take place. Perhaps that is why the mere mention of his name evokes in me, and without a doubt in many others, the memory of innumerable discussions motivated by reading each of his books, in which different generations of students and social scientists have found food for reflection on our reality.

However, the scientific trajectory is only one of the facets of which this life that we celebrate today is composed. As we will see shortly, behind the sober appearance of the intellectual, in his family life we ​​find a love story whose chapters span several decades and which has given rise to two talented daughters and, for now, two grandchildren. In his life story we will find the determined political activist, the supportive friend and the generous mentor of the talent of others. Those who visit his home in Jarabacoa will discover a creative horticulturist, an enthusiastic defender of nature, and an entertaining narrator of interesting anecdotes. And finally, in recent years, the country has discovered in him an honest, innovative and capable public servant, who has transformed an institution for many forgotten into a vibrant entity at the service of the academy and the community.

That is why today, when dedicating this morning to the celebration of his work, we do not only recognize the outstanding Historian, but also the father, the husband, the friend and, in general, the human being. I hope, Mr. Roberto, that you enjoy this day and we thank you for having given us the valuable example of life that you have given us. Thank you very much!