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Outstanding Alumni Award 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen:

At this time, around 25,000 people have the distinction of being a graduate of INTEC. It is a diverse group, distributed in more than thirty countries, which develop a wide range of occupations. We have among them talented doctors who dedicate their lives to save the lives of others; to male or female engineers who sometimes design amazing buildings and sometimes make a living building modest homes or innovate processes in organizations; to administrators, economists, politicians, social leaders and many others, who contribute in different ways their drop of honey in companies, public institutions and communities throughout the world.

The institution values ​​and appreciates each of its graduates, who constitute the most concrete way to fulfill our noble mission of contributing to improve the living conditions of the Dominican population. In some cases, however, graduates develop a particularly prominent life trajectory, which serves as an example for all others and becomes a source of particular pride for the entire intecian community. This ceremony is dedicated to the recognition of that select group of highly deserving bees, which we identify as Outstanding Graduates or Outstanding Graduates.

I would like to emphasize that the Outstanding Alumni Award does not represent a contest of popularity or fame, nor is it limited only to recognizing strictly technical or professional merits. Therefore, our award does not necessarily correlate closely with the number of times an alumnus appears on the covers of our newspapers or social magazines. Our intention is rather to recognize our graduates and graduates in their integrality, valuing in a particular way the vocation of leadership, the ethical sense, the ability to work and social responsibility.

Consequently, as in previous years, tonight's honorees are individuals whose careers reflect a clear understanding that an INTEC diploma is a great privilege but it is also a great obligation. They are people who have enthusiastically taken on the challenge of being better and better in their different facets, and contributing to the development of our society in various ways. Therefore, let me congratulate both them and their families, while thanking them for the pride that we feel thanks to them.

And finally, ladies and gentlemen, I appreciate the company of each one of you, and I sincerely hope that you enjoy the rest of the evening.

Thank you very much.