Outstanding Alumni Award 2017
November 09th 2017
Rector's words
Rolando M. Guzmán
Ladies and gentlemen, members of the Board of Regents
Ladies and gentlemen, members of the Academic Council
Executives, teachers and collaborators of INTEC
Appreciated outstanding and related graduates
Distinguished special guests
Ladies and Gentlemen:
With a healthy feeling of pride, we met again to celebrate with joy the exceptional performance of the graduates of INTEC. This ceremony continues a tradition that has already reached its eleventh installment and that on each occasion allows us to give testimony that the graduates of our university represent an intellectual asset and a moral heritage of perhaps incalculable value. Therefore, we take advantage of the night to confirm to the world that each bee in this hive has been trained to spread the pollen of scientific rigor around the world (which is a powerful medicine against mediocrity), to diligently produce the honey of solidarity (which serves as an antidote to injustice) and to diligently generate the nectar of integrity (which provides the best vitamin against the virus of dishonesty and corruption).
This is not the result of chance but rather of the idiosyncrasy of an academic community that seriously imposed the mandate to serve as a development entity at the service of society, and that inspired by that commitment, has been building a culture that values the time as if it were a treasure, encourages creativity as if it were a basic good and defends plurality as if it were his life. It is therefore understandable that the graduates who emerge from this environment are not only distinguished by the possession of a diploma, but also by the adoption of a unique lifestyle.
Tonight's winners and honorees are a small, but highly representative sample of that institutional idiosyncrasy. All were selected from a group of several dozen people who had been nominated and then weighed by a jury made up of internal and external personalities. The quality of this jury and the rigor of the process give us the certainty that each of the winners deserves the award that we give them in their different areas of action.
Those areas of action, incidentally, illustrate the diversity of international talent. For example, if any of you have an urgent pediatric problem, I recommend taking advantage of the night for a quick consultation with the outstanding graduate of the Health Sciences area. Two other laureates could lend a hand to any of you who require good financial or financial advice. Two awardees have built a reputation in the field of social action, becoming respectable advocates for women's rights, while another has stood out as a talented entrepreneur. And, of course, one of the winners can be very useful for those of you who feel an uncontrollable desire to regularize any outstanding debt in your taxes tonight.
Thank you, outstanding graduates and outstanding graduates, for helping us fulfill the mission of being a plural university community, committed to the formation of citizens with integrity, capable and globally competitive, and for approaching our aspiration to be recognized, nationally and internationally, as a university model. Thank you for having taken up with special determination the challenge of being better and better and thus becoming worthy examples for our society. Finally, thank you for illustrating through your lives the thousand and one ways, each equally valuable, in which education contributes to the transformation of the world into a better world.