One of our main priorities is the training of students and young graduates, providing basic training to initiate them into scientific and technical research.
Our main research task is the development of a solar refrigerator that works on the principle of adsorption. This project is developed in two lines: theoretical and experimental. The theoretical aspect focuses on the mathematical modeling of the operation of the adsorption refrigeration device, while the experimental aspect is based on obtaining the crucial data for the implementation of the model. This includes measuring the properties of different types of activated carbons or temperatures reached in the different solar refrigerators we have built.
Our laboratory equipment is also available to provide services to those who need to perform specific measurements, such as process enthalpies or adsorption isotherms.
Materials characterization:
Measurement of specific surface area of porous material
Determination of pore area and volume
Obtaining adsorption isotherms
Analysis of pore distribution in a material
Adsorption and desorption analysis of gases and vapors
Measuring the density of porous materials
Measurement of reaction and transition enthalpies
Kinetic analysis of decomposition and crystallization processes