The Medical Simulation Laboratory provides medical teaching by inserting simulation as a learning tool for medicine in a transversal way in the curriculum.
It features mannequins and equipment that allow for realistic simulations, as well as feedback in all practices. At different points in the course, students can acquire skills for the diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of patients with low- and medium-fidelity simulated practices.
The Simulation Laboratory has a wide portfolio of services focused on contributing to the improvement of skills and competencies for both medical students of the faculty, as well as for external students who wish to raise their level of skills and knowledge. We have a variety of courses that provide the opportunity for any individual, whether in the health field or not, to increase the chances of survival of a person in a situation of imminent risk:
Basic Life Support Course / Basic Life Support (BLS).
Trauma Patient Management Course / International Trauma Life Support (ITLS).
Advanced Cardiovascular Support Course / Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS).
Advanced Pediatric Life Support (PALS) Course.
Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition and Stabilization (PEARS).
First Aid Workshops for Family and Friends.
CPR workshops for the general public.
International certifications by the American Heart Association and International Trauma Life Support (ITLS).