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Chemistry Laboratory

The INTEC General Chemistry laboratory is an academic space where we have the necessary equipment for the practical study of knowledge related to this area of ​​knowledge. The facilities allow the development of a certain number of practices, where we have four work tables and a laboratory guide, which allows the development of scientific skills, as well as collaborative work between students, who with the help of the different work tools will replicate basic experiments, whose purposes are to facilitate the management and understanding of said subject. 

The Laboratory's teaching is aimed at careers in the area of ​​Engineering, Health Sciences and Basic and Environmental Sciences. Each Laboratory taught has a specific program that governs which practices will be taught in said class, which is divided as follows: 

Chemistry I: 

  • weight and volume measurements 
  • Density of liquids and solids 
  • Specific heat 
  • chemical phenomena 
  • Reactions of acids and metals 
  • Percentage composition of a hydrate 
  • proust's law 
  • Calculation of the empirical formula of a compound 
  • Lavoisier's law 

Chemistry II: 

  • Solutions and solubility 
  • Acid base titration 
  • Reaction speed 
  • Equilibrium constant 
  • Hard and soft waters 
  • pH and buffer solutions 
  • heat of reaction 
  • oxidation numbers 
  • redox reactions 
contacto-5e03d0ac Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Laboratorio de Química

Contact Us

Responsible: Maria Pena
Phone: 809-567-9271, Ext: 646
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  • Responsible: Maria Peña
  • ext: 646