Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (LHMF)
The INTEC Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics laboratory has the necessary equipment to carry out teaching and research tasks. The facilities enable the development of various practices to determine the mechanical and dynamic properties of fluids, as well as their application and hydraulic use. We provide academic support to different Engineering programs such as Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Mechatronic Engineering.
We offer consultations and services for carrying out research and development projects that involve any of the related disciplines and areas.
From the academic point of view, the INTEC Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Laboratory offers four subjects at the undergraduate level:
- Fluid mechanics
- Hydraulics I
- Hydraulics II
- Fluid Mechanics II
Are you a member of the intecian community?
If you are a teacher, student or collaborator, you can request access to tools and data of interest from this and other laboratories.
Note: To access you need your institutional user account and password.
Responsible: Jarlen Pichardo
- ext: 271