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Genetics Laboratory

The INTEC genetics laboratory is a space focused on research in the areas of genetics and molecular biology. In this, lines of research developed by professors and researchers of the institute are carried out. These lines are focused on the characterization and bioprospecting of endemic species of the Dominican Republic using molecular techniques.   

In this space, genomics, metabolomics and proteomics tools are used to study both plant and animal species of interest. In addition, the laboratory is in charge of supporting students for the development of undergraduate, master's and doctoral projects related to molecular biology.   

The methods that are handled by this laboratory are the following:  

  • Extractions of DNA, proteins and metabolites  
  • Spectrophotometric techniques for quantification of biomolecules  
  • electrophoresis techniques   
  • PCR  
  • RT PCR  
  • Horizontal and vertical electrophoresis   
contacto-5e03d0ac Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Laboratorio de Genética


Responsible: Joseph Campaign
Phone: 809-567-9271, Ext: 359
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Note: To access you need your institutional user account and password.

  • Responsible: Jose Campaña
  • ext: 359