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Biotechnology Laboratory

The INTEC biotechnology laboratory is a laboratory focused on supporting students and teachers of careers related to the biotechnology area. In this laboratory, practical classes are held where students of these careers become familiar with a range of techniques associated with biotechnology, such as: 

  • Fermentación 
  • electrophoresis 
  • spectrophotometry 
  • conductometry 
  • potentiometry.   

It also works as an open space for students to develop projects related to the area. 

contacto-5e03d0ac Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Laboratorio de Biotecnología


Responsible: Joseph Campaign
Phone: 809-567-9271, Ext: 359
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Are you a member of the intecian community?

If you are a teacher, student or collaborator, you can request access to tools and data of interest from this and other laboratories.

Note: To access you need your institutional user account and password.

  • Responsible: Jose Campaña
  • ext: 359