Letter from the Rector: Start of strategic planning 2018 - 2022
Appreciated intecians:
Our institution concludes this year the execution of the Institutional Strategic Plan 2013-2017. During that period, the efforts of all of us allowed us to achieve significant achievements in many areas, among which the advancement of the curricular reform, the increase in research activity and the strengthening of the relationship with national and international entities, as well as the construction of a large part of the Infrastructure Master Plan. No less important are the intangible achievements, such as the renewal of institutional leadership and the incorporation of a new management scheme with an emphasis on measuring results and accountability.
These results had as a starting point a process of strategic reflection, followed by the execution of operational plans that shaped our vocation for change and our commitment to academic quality. The time has come to formulate a new strategic plan that propels us towards an even more challenging horizon and that lays the definitive bases for unprecedented achievements in INTEC's future.
Therefore, we formally begin the planning process for the 2018-2022 period, which will require the participation of everyone to define the vision of INTEC that we want, the areas of work in which we must concentrate efforts, the goals that we intend to achieve. , the competencies that we must strengthen and the values that we want to model before Dominican society. We will take a first step with the survey that you will receive soon, and which we hope will be answered by the entire community.
The occasion offers us a new opportunity to reinvent our university as part of an incessant process of change. Once again, the hive takes on the challenge of combining the fertile ground of accumulated experience with the transforming fertilizer of new looks. I am confident in the enthusiasm that characterizes this community and I hope that this will be the most participatory institutional planning process in all of our history. Let's make it so!
Without another particular, he says goodbye,
Rolando M. Guzmán