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Inauguration Ceremony Health Sciences Building and Postgraduate Building

Mr. Minister of Education, Arch. Andrés Navarro

Mr. Vice Minister of Higher Education, Lic. Rafael Gonzalez, representing the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Dra. Alejandrina Germán

Dra. Ligia Amada Melo, former Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

Madam President of the Board of Regents, Lic. Mary Fernandez

Members of the General Assembly and the Board of Regents

Past Rectors and members of the INTEC Academic Council

Relatives of the rector Eduardo Latorre and professor Ana Mercedes Henríquez 

Ministers and government authorities

Representatives of the diplomatic corps,

Business representatives

Directors of the press, university authorities, teachers and students


In the life of any institution, there are some moments that, due to their significance, can be considered milestones of a historical dimension. We thank each of you for accompanying INTEC, as eyewitnesses, in one of those moments. The inauguration of the Health Sciences building and the Postgraduate Studies building represents a significant event, not because of its material value, which is ultimately limited, but because of its intangible value, which is literally infinite, and as a symbolic expression of the spirit of continuous improvement of this university. 

The occasion leads us to remember that a little more than forty years ago, the land we are on today was nothing more than a vacant lot, in the middle of which stood a lonely house of modest dimensions abandoned to inclement weather. Only the vision of our founders and their persuasiveness made it possible for those assets to be made available to a budding educational institution, whose only credential was the seriousness and academic trajectory of its creators.

This is how INTEC started to have its own house, and put an end to the first months during which it had to carry out its tasks in spaces provided by friendly institutions. This university was therefore born in a humble manger - a condition that is still reflected in its attachment to austerity, its appreciation for efficiency and its rejection of ostentation. But from its first moments, INTEC demonstrated its vocation for growth, driven by the work of generations of tireless bees that have been shaping what our hive is today.

Therefore, I have  the certainty that this university has reached its adulthood with a clear position in society. But in a true academy, any goal achieved is only a starting point for the rethinking of new future goals and for the search for new forms of social contribution. It is for that reason that This inauguration should not be seen as an infrastructure project, but rather as a new step in a permanent agenda of institutional growth aimed at increasing capacities to continue contributing to Dominican society.

The design of a new transformative curriculum based on competencies and increasingly oriented to meet the country's development needs; the launch of the first two doctoral programs in science by a Dominican university; the presentation of the first patent granted to a higher education entity in our environment, and the use of that knowledge for the benefit of the environment; the international accreditation of all our programs and, finally, the strengthening of our capacities for the provision of technological services to the productive sectors.

In short, ladies and gentlemen, the buildings that we inaugurate today were built to make a difference, and our aspiration is that their walls generate ideas and results that Dominican society can be proud of. 

On the other hand, this afternoon's act is also a fair tribute to the people whose names will designate the new buildings, the Founder and past Rector, Eduardo Latorre, and Professor Ana Mercedes Henriquez, whose relatives honor us with their presence at this celebration afternoon. The profile of these two Intecians will be summarized shortly through the voices of people who were close to them, but it is inevitable for me to draw attention to the way in which they eloquently synthesize the diversity of international talent. One is a man, the other is a woman; one is a social scientist and the other is a student of nature, just to mention a few traits. Behind these differences, however, we find the common elements that identify our community, such as social responsibility, solidarity, rigor in scientific thought and, above all, integrity.

Rector Latorre was an irreplaceable leader for INTEC, whom we could describe, using Marco Aurelio's expressions, as a convincing example that the same individual can be decisive as well as moderate, and that the same person can be comprehensive but inflexible in his principles. As rector, he religiously adopted the belief that if something is not good for the hive, it cannot be good for the bee. Professor Henriquez, in turn, was a living demonstration that human beings, by nature, tend to be interested in their fellow men. Its dedication to caring for the environment and service capacity reach gigantic dimensions today. That is why, in the judgment of his closest beings, he lived as if he were always saying: “I have everything that belongs to me; I don't need more. "

The designation of the buildings with those two names is an expression of respect and admiration that I hope your family members will keep in memory with a healthy pride. Through this gesture, the academic community wants to exalt the example that they gave us while they were physically with us, for the benefit of future generations of students and teachers who, as we do today, will take them as a source of inspiration in the future.

To conclude, I take this opportunity to acknowledge the people or institutions that have been an essential part of the construction process of the new buildings. In particular, our thanks to the President of the Republic and Outstanding Graduate of INTEC, Lic. Danilo Medina, for his efforts to fulfill the promise of contributing to the institutional expansion process - a promise that has found an echo in all the officials involved. This constitutes a recognition of the public purpose of a university that has not had, does not have and will never have an owner, because it belongs to Dominican society.   

A special thanks to Banco BHD / León, which is providing a significant amount of resources for the furniture of the Postgraduate building. This is a sign of the corporate sector's commitment to creating human capacities at the highest level. We hope that this initiative will be followed by other entities, which can see INTEC as a vehicle to contribute to the collective dream of a quality education system. Excellence has a cost, and we must all contribute by taking on the challenge of paying for it.  

My words of gratitude also go to the designer architects, construction companies and our administration and finance teams, who worked tirelessly, under very restricted conditions, to guarantee an efficient and transparent process. Thanks to the members of the Board of Regents and its Infrastructure Commission for the guidance and direction they have given us, and for the passion with which they have done it, which is a sample of the miracle that happens when you have a governing body well aligned and empathetic. And to the entire community of teachers and students, led by the Academic Council, for the patience shown throughout the constructive process. 

Finally, thanks to the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, which through the past Minister Ligia Amada Melo and Minister Alejandrina German, is our great ally to fulfill the mission of being a plural university community, committed to the formation of upright citizens, capable and competitive globally, and to achieve our aspiration to be recognized, nationally and internationally, as a model university. And thanks to each of you for the privilege of your presence and for this show of support for the interests of our institution, which are also the best interests of Dominican society.

Good night!