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five-year-evaluation-f982bcda Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo - Five-Year Evaluation

Five Year Evaluation


El Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) develops the Five-Year Evaluation Process that is followed by Dominican higher education institutions every five years, and which is led by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCYT), through its Vice Ministry of Evaluation and Accreditation .

The objective of the process, which is regulated by Law 139-01 on Higher Education, is “to monitor the operation and improvement of HEIs. And, in this sense, the institutional evaluation fulfills the objective of producing a diagnosis as complete and reliable as possible of each institution, which is intended to serve as a support to promote the reinforcement of the areas or components that were revealed effective, as well as to guide the improvement actions of those aspects that showed deficiencies ”. 

contribute to the development and qualitative improvement of the system and the institutions that comprise it and guarantee the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of higher education and science and technology activities.