Bachelor of Administration, mention in Administrative Sciences, from the José María Vargas University of Venezuela; with a master's degree in Political Science and a specialty in Business Management, mention in Public Finance for the university sector, both from the Simón Bolívar University, in Venezuela.
He is an expert, with more than 20 years of professional practice experience, in consulting and teaching in the areas of strategic and operational planning, financial and budgetary management, economic feasibility study of projects, quality control, preparation of business plans and Balanced Scorecard.
He has served as Head of Budget at the Simón Bolívar University, in Venezuela (2005-2009), where he also served as Budget Analyst (2001-2005), was financial advisor to the Presidency of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IDEA) (2013 -2015). Additionally, he held other academic management positions at the Simón Bolívar University and the company Turismo y promociones VQ.
At INTEC he has been coordinator of the Business Engineering and Business Administration and Management careers, until occupying the Academic Coordination of the Degree Level of the Economics and Business Area.