An Industrial Engineering alumnus of INTEC, del Villar earned a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Georgia State University and Business Administration from Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, United States. He completed workshops in Operations Research and Operations Management at the Georgia Institute of Technology and specialized in Export and Import Businesses at Mercer University, also in Georgia.
He worked at Scientific Atlanta in the area of Quality Control for six years, becoming its Operations Manager. In Miami, he worked for Teicorp International, a subsidiary of Hubbard Construction, one of the leading companies in the construction of large projects, as a Senior Engineer. In 2009 he became a member of the Board of Directors of Marriott International in Doral, Florida, as Vice Chairman (by 2012). In the 2010, he founded the consulting firm Smart Grid Tecnologies that currently works in the electrical industry in Ecuador, Panamá, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and the states of Texas and Florida. In 2014 he is begins to lecture at INTEC's Engineering Department.